Illinois Programming League
Illinois Programming League (IPL) is a series of algorithmic programming contests organized by ACM SIG-ICPC at UIUC. Contestants try to solve problems that are likely to be asked in technical interviews. Come in practice and sharpen your programming skills!
Every Tuesday, 6-8 PM
In-person (Preferred):
Siebel 1105
Anyone is allowed to participate in our weekly meetings.
You are eligible to represent UIUC at the Regionals/World Finals if you are:
- Enrolled in University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and
- Started college in 2014 or later OR born in 1995 or later.
You must
physically present in the room to compete. No remote participation allowed.
However, you will be allowed to access the questions after the contest has ended, for your own practice.
Students compete individually and communication during the contest is not allowed except for special 'open' contests.
During the contest, Internet usage (e.g. Google, Stack Overflow, etc.) is
forbidden, with the following exceptions:
Any physical reference materials (e.g. notes, textbooks, printed code, etc.) are
allowed. Any electronic and digital reference materials are
forbidden, with exception of websites listed above.
If you violate these contest rules, you will be
disqualified from the leaderboard.
In each contest,
- Each problem is worth the same.
- Contestants are ranked by the number of problems solved. Ties are broken by time penalty.
- Time penalty = sum of {[Time of acceptance since start of contest] + 20mins * [number of rejected submissions before acceptance]} for each accepted problem
- Baseline: work on easier problems first, solve quickly and accurately.
After each contest, your rating will be adjusted based on your projected rank and actual rank.
Please feel free to make a post or DM an officer on our
Campuswire or