2021 ICPC Regional Tryout


The ICPC Regional Tryout (2021 NAQ) is an individual contest we use to select our Regional contestants. Participants will write code to solve problems on their own. The best 15 contestants will advance to Mid-Central Regional and form the 5 Regional teams each consisting of 3 members.


First tryout: Saturday, September 21nd, 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Second tryout: Saturday, October 5th, 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM
We will be starting the contest exactly on time, so we recommend you show up early . We will try to be there from 12:00 to help anyone get set up.




You are eligible for regional team selection as long as you are eligible for the regional contest this fall.

You are most likely to be eligible if you are
  • Enrolled in a degree program (bachelor, master, PhD) at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, AND
  • Started college in 2017 or later OR born in 1998 or later.

If you are uncertain about your eligibility, please see this link.


You must physically present in the lab to compete. No remote participation allowed.

Students compete individually and communication during the contest is not allowed.

During the contest, Internet usage (e.g. Google, Stack Overflow, etc.) is forbidden, with the following exceptions: Any physical reference materials (e.g. notes, textbooks, printed code, etc.) are allowed. Any electronic and digital reference materials are forbidden, with exception of websites listed above.

If you violate these contest rules, you will be disqualified for regional team selection.

Languages allowed

  • C/C++
  • Java
  • Python 3
  • Kotlin


Please feel free to make a post or DM an officer on our Campuswire or Slackchannel!